Mario Gerla Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Marco Cominelli, Francesco Gringoli, and Renato Lo Cigno (DII – University of Brescia, Italy), recipient of this year’s Mario Gerla Best Paper Award for the paper titled Passive Device-Free Multi-Point CSI Localization and Its Obfuscation with Randomized Filtering.

WELCOME to the web site of MedComNet 2021, the 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference.

MedComNet 2021 continues the tradition of the MedHocNet conference series that started in Sardinia in 2006 and was held annually in beautiful locations on the shores of the Mediterranean. Our intention was to organize the conference in the core of the Mediterranean see, in the Balearic Islands, in Ibiza. However, given the persisting pandemic situation, the 2021 edition of our conference will be held online, for the second time in a row.

MedComNet is a world-wide established forum for the presentation of new research results in the broad area of wired and wireless communication and computer networking. All aspects of the networking research area will be welcome.

As in the past editions, our single-track conference will gather prominent research personalities from the academic and industrial worlds, as well as young researchers, to celebrate a unique event for and with the vibrant research community of the Mediterranean area. To promote their participation, students without a paper to present will have free online access to the conference.

MedComNet has the Technical Co-Sponsorship of the IEEE, and accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Extended versions of the best papers presented at the conference will be considered, by invitation and upon additional review, for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications journal. The best paper in the conference will be awarded the Mario Gerla Best Paper Award.

Vincenzo Mancuso – General Chair
Gonzalo Camarillo – General vice-Chair